22 September Walk for Wildlife

I’m sure we will see members and staff from all of these organisations in Hyde Park  on 22 September – Walking for Wildife. But it will be interesting to see whether, as organisations, they promote the walk to their memberships.  I do hope they do. It would be odd if they don’t. No doubt the…

Hen Harrier Sensitive Zones in Bowland

The Bowland Fells SPA sits between Lancaster and Clitheroe, and High Bentham and Longridge, east of the M6 in Lancashire. It was classified in 1993 and one of the qualifying criteria was the number of nesting pairs of Hen Harriers (13) at that time. For a long time Bowland was the English stronghold of this…

Bird Fair speakers – a questionnaire

To achieve greater gender balance in main speakers at the Bird Fair there either has to be more time (this would be difficult to do, but should be kept in mind) or there has to be less time given to male speakers. If you fill in this questionnaire then we’ll have more information than now on…

Walk for Wildlife

If you can come to this event – please do.  I think it will be fun and important. It will be more fun and more important if you turn up. Please spread the word and share on social media.  I’ll write to my MP asking him whether he’s coming or not, and the prospective Labour…

Guest blog: Birdfair for kids: My Wild Zone experience by Anneliese Emmans Dean

Anneliese Emmans Dean promotes learning through laughter, rhythm and rhyme with her award-winning science-meets-poetry books for children: ‘Buzzing! Discover the poetry in garden minibeasts’ and ‘Flying High! Discover the poetry in British birds’. She brings these books to life in interactive, edu-taining shows (for children and for grown-ups) at events, schools, festivals and theatres nationwide….