RSPB press release – Young eagles soar in the skies over Hoy

  Young eagles soar in the skies over Hoy White-tailed eagle chicks take flight in Orkney for the first time in more than 150 years The two white-tailed eagle chicks that hatched in Hoy in May, have successfully fledged, RSPB Scotland announced today. They are the first young white-tailed eagles to take to the Orkney…

An interesting contrast – the good, the bad and the ugly

Reaction from the shooting community to the sound of shooting and the coverage of a trapped Peregrine on a grouse moor in the Forest of Bowland:   The Good:  BASC are pretty much spot on in what they say: BASC statement on RSPB peregrine film BASC utterly condemns raptor persecution and other wildlife crime. There…

Guest blog – Coul Links by Jonny Hughes

Jonny Hughes in 1993 at Coul Links while working as a summer warden for the Scottish Wildlife Trust. The dunes were a wildlife reserve under a 25 year agreement with Cambusmore Estate in those days but the estate unfortunately decided not to renew the agreement and the triple protected site is now imminently threatened by…

Really thunderous Findlay

  There are many thunderous supporters of Findlay Wide’s thunderclap that will echo out on 12 August. Supporters include the RSPB, RSPCA, Wildlife Trusts, Chris Packham, Caroline Lucas MP, Natalie Bennett, Nick Miles, Birdwatch, Birdguides, Rare Bird Alert, Birders Against Wildlife Crime and lots and lots of others, as you can see by the numbers…

Bowland Gull Cull 21

Many thanks to the reader of this blog who pointed me in this direction (click here) where we find this table… …which goes back as far as 2012 but only appears to have 12 cases in it, but the two at the end of the list are as follows; So, Bowland is in the news…