Election comment 5 – leaflets

I was delivering leaflets for Beth Miller, the Labour Party Candidate for Corby over the weekend. And, by the way, I was right that Jeremy Corbyn isn’t on the leaflet, and nor is there an environmental content to it. But I was wrong that I wasn’t going to be inspired by it – having seen…

House Martins – it looks like a poor year

One of the problems of not having been in the UK for about a month this spring is that I have not seen spring build as I normally do. And I am still catching up. The few pairs of House Martins in my street aren’t there this year. And there aren’t any just around the…

The manifestos

I’ve reviewed the environmental content of the Greens, Labour, Conservatives and Lib Dems on this blog.  The Conservative manifesto is easily, by far, the weakest on environmental issues despite the fact that President May called this election and the party has been in government for the past seven years.  I gave the Greens, Labour and…

SNP still the tartan Tories?

The SNP is in government in Scotland and claims to be the real opposition to the Conservative Party in Westminster. Why has the SNP dragged its feet over addressing raptor persecution in Scotland and why did it not take a more useful part in the debate over driven grouse shooting down south? Only the SNP…