BBS 2 – ET you’re home

I don’t remember ever having to scrape frost off the car windscreen when heading off to survey a BBS square in May or June but I did on Wednesday when I found the time to carry out the first visit to my second square.  Things weren’t looking very good as I drove down the Nene…

Green Party environment manifesto published

The first words on the environment have been uttered by the political parties – the Green Party of England and Wales has produced its environmental manifesto. Well done to the Greens for having the first word – is this the last word on the environment? It’s a mere 10 pages with half of them being…

A response from the CEO of CNP

My blog this morning drew a quick response from Fiona Howie the Chief Exec of the Campaign for National Parks. She posted a comment and here it is for ease of reading: ‘As you say Mark, people are welcome to get in touch with us but before doing so I would encourage them to have…

Poor show from National Parks

The Campaign for National Parks has published its ‘manifesto‘ – which is actually a small begging letter – for the general election.  It’s a disappointing list. The CNP wants: Strengthening national planning protections for the National Parks Protecting the funding currently committed to the National Parks for the next five years so they can be…

Tale of a hedge (revisited)

In 2014 I wrote a few blogs about a puzzling hedge (see here, here, here). The resolution to the puzzle was that a farmer had driven down the road with his spray still on and had, accidentally, sprayed over a mile of roadside hedge . Time for an update – this is the fourth spring…