Sunday book review – The Horizontal Oak by Polly Pullar

This book isn’t really a nature book though there is nature in it. It is a moving and funny autobiography of someone who is interested in wildlife and wild places as well as domestic animals and a whole range of other things. But none of that matters as it is a very good read. The…

Sunday book review – From Little Acorns…. by John D. James

This is an account of the history of the Woodland Trust – an organisation which reaches its 50th birthday on 10 October 2022. I used to be quite sniffy about the Woodland Trust, and I think I was right  because in the past it neglected the importance of management of woodland and seemed to prioritise…

Book review – Through a Vet’s Eyes by Sean Wensley

To say that I enjoyed this book wouldn’t quite be right because it is about man’s inhumanity to other living creatures, but the author, a vet, has a gentle and engaging manner which makes this a very good read. I learned a lot, and most of it was disquieting. The author is keen on wildlife…

Sunday book review – Rooted by Sarah Langford

  I liked this book, which at its best is a mix of James Rebanks and Jake Fiennes at their best. It’s about farming and the changes in farming over three generations, and what might happen in future. I think the author ends up in the right place, more or less, but I wondered whether…

Sunday book review – Audubon at Sea by Christoph Irmscher and Richard J. King (eds)

This is not a picture book, although there are plenty of Audubon’s sketches and reproductions of his finished artwork in these pages. This is a book of Audubon’s words, some of which were intended for publication and others which were more private jottings, or accounts meant for the later reading by his family.  In our…