Sunday book review – Trees by Peter A. Thomas

  The New Naturalist series has become rather patchy in my view, in terms of the quality of the content and of the quality of production. This volume is a good one on both counts. It was a pleasure to look through the pages and find a wide range of informative and legible photographs, diagrams…

Sunday book review – Swan by Dan Keel

This is a book for everyone, as Mute Swans, the main character in this book, are one of the few species that most people can identify because they are large, tame, white and common. We all know things about swans – they can break your arm just by looking at you (or at least flapping…

Sunday book review – Land Healer by Jake Fiennes

  This is a very fine book which will, deservedly, be in many lists of ‘books of the year’ for 2022, including in my own. For it deals with important issues and it is very well written. Also, it is in many ways based on three legs, appropriately enough for an ex-gamekeeper, of knowing much…

Sunday book review – Birds, Beasts and Bedlam by Derek Gow

A very enjoyable read – Derek Gow has good stories galore and not only are they good stories, but he tells them very well.  We learn quite a lot about Derek’s past, including his early jobs – an interesting mixture. But much of this book is about keeping animals in captivity, often for conservation purposes,…

Sunday book review – Cornerstones by Benedict Macdonald

This is, in my opinion (and why are you reading this review if you don’t want my opinion?), Benedict Macdonald’s best book to date. Yes, Rebirding (reviewed here) was a very good book, and Orchard (with Nicholas Gates, reviewed here) was perfectly OK, but this is a very, very good book. Nine groups of species:…