Toxic lead in unsustainable Red Grouse

There are many reasons for signing the petition to ban driven grouse shooting – click here – and this study provides two more reasons at different levels. The study looks at Red Grouse carcasses bought on the open market which were intended for human consumption and found that all 78 carcasses contained lead shot and…

English Hen Harrier numbers slump

Natural England has published, in more detail than in previous years (click here), the numbers of Hen Harriers nesting in England – they are down this year. Numbers in 2024 are lower than in 2023 and 2022 and only slightly higher than in 2021. This year puts an end to a run of years of…

What to think about Hen Harrier numbers

To make sense of the figures for 2023 UK Hen Harrier numbers, released today by RSPB, they need to be seen in context.  There are five important contextual considerations. There are pretty good estimates of how many pairs of Hen Harriers could exist in different parts of the UK in the absence of illegal persecution…