I was interested to see BTO saying: “We’ve taken the difficult decision to not return to Global Birdfair as an exhibitor. While we recognise that Birdfair provides an opportunity to meet with members and volunteers, our continued investment in other ways to engage with supporters is proving to be a more effective use of resources. …
Category: Uncategorized
Press release – Mineral Products Association nature awards
Top conservationists celebrate quarrying’s role in nature recovery Leading figures in UK nature conservation gather in London to celebrate the essential role quarrying plays in nature recovery and biodiversity gain. Leading figures in UK nature conservation gathered at The Royal Society, London this week to celebrate the essential role quarrying plays in nature recovery and biodiversity…
RSPB press release – Stone-curlews
Projects working with farmers to bring endangered bird back from the brink celebrate over double the number of Stone-curlew thanks to 40 years of effort Two projects working to benefit Stone-curlew, a threatened and unique looking bird, are celebrating their 40th anniversaries, with the population now having more than doubled in size since a nationwide population…
RSPB makes big move at Geltsdale
The RSPB is extending its ownership of land at Geltsdale in Cumbria and appealing for donations to secure the deal – click here. This is very good news. The emphasis of the RSPB text is on habitat restoration and the graphic produced is excellent – although the day I ever see all those species at…
RSPB press release – Solar farm benefits for wildlife
Solar farms managed for nature can benefit bird abundance and diversity A new study by the RSPB and the University of Cambridge has shown that solar farms managed for nature could benefit birds and other wildlife. Managed correctly this much-needed renewable energy infrastructure could provide biodiversity benefits in arable-dominated landscapes. With recent debate about the…