BASC doublespeak – another example

As disputation goes, this is on the level of ‘I didn’t steal your car and it’s mine anyway’ David Mitchell in Observer 14 April David Mitchell wrote in the Observer last week about the public subsidy of gun licences and is somewhat unimpressed by BASC’s ‘argument’ from those who give ‘specially bred poultry a terrifying…

Which way is BASC facing on Hen Harrier killing?

I gave BASC some credit for their rapid condemnation of the killing of Hen Harriers after the publication of the analysis of the NE satellite-tagging data. But now that Duncan Thomas has voiced his views, presumably his employer’s views too, on TV, along the lines of ‘there’s a tiny amount of persecution occurring and we…

Guest blog – Plastic shotgun cartridges by Caroline Bedell of BASC

BASC appointed Caroline Bedell as its executive director of conservation in October last year. Caroline has more than 25 years’ experience of the rural economy and environment. With a degree in rural land management, she qualified as a rural practice chartered surveyor. Caroline spent the first 10 years of her career advising and managing rural…

BASC doesn’t want us to see this film

This is a bit odd. Almost a year ago a filmmaker approached me (and others) to be filmed about the campaign against driven grouse shooting. I agreed to be filmed and I thought that the film might appear after the Westminster Hall debate. I’d almost forgotten all about it by now. I was sent the…