Importance of peatlands for carbon storage

Europe’s peatlands are drying out – due to a combination of factors including human actions. And recent estimates of carbon stored in peatlands are twice as high as previous ones. Here is an accessible and useful account of these two papers with interviews with a range of scientists. Altogether peatlands are even more important than…

Plaid Cymru manifesto

Plaid Cymru seems to be the party of Welsh farmers rather than the party of Wales – or Welsh taxpayers. It favours a continuation of the CAP that keeps 80% of Welsh farmers in business with direct payments. That’s pretty blatant. Plaid supports a regressive form of income support funded by the rest of Wales…

Carbon lady 2

I was really surprised to come across these words of Mrs Thatcher: “We must remember our duty to Nature before it is too late. That duty is constant. It is never completed. It lives on as we breathe. It endures as we eat and sleep, work and rest, as we are born and as we…

This blog (3) – the cartoons

Over the last decade this blog has featured the work of many artists who could be regarded as cartoonists. Ralph Underhill: Ralph has contributed hundreds of cartoons for a regular Saturday morning slot – his last offering, and some words from him, will appear on this blog tomorrow morning. But here are a few to…

Werritty and Westminster

It will be interesting to see how much of the above picture by Mr Carbo will be affected by tomorrow’s statement on Werritty. But BASC and the Countryside Alliance are also predicting that there will be a Westminster Hall debate on grouse shooting in early December. If so, and it’s not listed yet, then this…