Who you are, or at least, who you say you are.

The Readers’ Poll was filled in by just over 400 of you – thank you. You seem to be like me: 82% living in England, 75% male, middle-aged, Guardian reading, wildlife-magazine reading, potential Labour voting, RSPB members.  Well – there’s a surprise! This blog now gets c8000 unique visitors each month.  I would guess, and…

GWCT science again

The GWCT describes itself thus: ‘The Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust is the leading UK charity conducting scientific research to enhance the British countryside for public benefit’. Not, you note as ‘very good’ or ‘one of the leading’ or ‘has a distinguished record’ but ‘the leading’.  That’s blowing one’s own trumpet quite loudly.  I only…

A couple of lessons

I’d quite like to write a book entitled ‘Advice to a young advocate’ which would give tips on how to influence the political system.  I’d not be the right person to write all of it so I’d need a few co-authors too – I wonder what Tony Juniper would think of the idea. There are…

FSA advice on eating game

Yesterday afternoon the Food Standards Agency (FSA)  published revised guidance on eating game shot with lead. It starts: ‘The Food Standards Agency is advising people that eating lead-shot game on a frequent basis can expose them to potentially harmful levels of lead. The FSA’s advice is that frequent consumers of lead-shot game should eat less…