We knew that – but it bears repetition

If we  ate more of what we grow we could feed another 4 billion people – which would go a long way, in the short term to deal with global food poverty.  Many of these gains would be achieved in a few countries. The major gains would be from eating less meat (and more plant…

Silly biofools!

MEPs voted for a 6% cap on food-based biofuels yesterday.  It could be worse (it always could) but it should be an awful lot better. Action Aid report. RSPB report. EEB report. BBC report. Business green report. Thomson Reuters report. EU Observer report. I am amazed that in this world when things are speeding up…

Biofuels – a burning question

Please do this today: ask your MEP to vote for the lowest possible limit on the addition of biofuels to transport fuels by clicking here and supporting Action Aid’s campaign. There is a vote tomorrow where MEPs will be asked to decide whether to limit biofuels to 5.5% or 6.5% of transport fuel volumes.  The…