Saturday Cartoon from Ralph Underhill – priceless

    I saw blue whales this summer in Monterey Bay, California – they were amazing and I will never forget them. I have seen more butterflies in my garden this year than for years and years  – and I sent the details to Butterfly conservation for the Big Butterfly Count (you have today and…

Ralph Underhill cartoon and how to cut consumption

    A friend and I were chatting this week over lunch (not as portrayed above) and speculating on how big the task is to save wildlife in the UK and on the planet, and what it would take to make a real difference. We came up with three game-changing events:   1.  A human…

Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill – the simple-minded

It’s the weekend of the Game Fair, so spare a thought for all those people walking around in tweed in this hot weather – although you’d, maybe, think they had more sense. There will be a lot of talk about lead ammunition – it’s a big thing this Game Fair.  The shooting organisations are belatedly…