Since comments were still being added to yesterday’s blog at 1030 last night I won’t post again until tomorrow. Yesterday’s new visitors took the number of unique visitors to this blog over the last 10 days to well over 1100.
Do have a look at the comments on yesterday’s badger post – and thank you to everyone who did post comments. Don’t be shy – it’s good to hear your views. Even if you just say that you agree with another comment it’s worth doing.
The monthly newsblast: sign up to my monthly newsblast – it’s free. August’s newsblast will be on grouse shooting. If you signed up to the first newsblast in July you should have received a newsblast on the Natural Environment White Paper last week. I know a few subscribers, mostly in the RSPB it seems (nothing personal, I’m sure) didn’t receive the newsblast – it was sent but must have been taken out as spam by your firewall. What a cheek! If you didn’t receive it, and would like to, then please email me ( and I will send it again. And it seems that using your personal email address to sign up guarantees receipt. And adding my email address to your trusted contacts is a good idea too.
A good read: Blogging for Nature
Hi Mark, Cannot wait for your newsblast on grouse shooting, much as i used to beat regularly on moors, have even shot grouse once and love our upland areas I cannot but condemn not just the persecution that seems routine but also currently certainly locally here in north yorkshire a wealth of poor management practise as well. Why also do these routine persecutors whose land is missing most if not all predators still manage to get HLS payments as most are SSSI’s which NE claim are in good heart or improving towards it when those of us on the ground think that such statements are far from reality.
Paul – welcome and thank you!