Queen saves countryside, Steve Bell thinks not…

I do like Steve Bell’s Guardian cartoons – they usually make me laugh although I know they won’t be too everyone’s taste.  Was this one stimulated by the Sunday Express headline a few weeks ago  which stated that ‘Queen saves countryside’?







Would cormorant now be added to the list?

Today is your last chance to vote in the poll of ‘new Elizabethan’ naturalists – things have got a little closer in the voting but there is still a strong leader.


8 Replies to “Queen saves countryside, Steve Bell thinks not…”

  1. And she is still patron of the RSPB!!!! Is that why Winn was made a ‘SIR’ because he never brought his head above the parapet! Weak pathetic sods. No wonder the membership is stagnant .

  2. Of course one would like them gessed and stebbed and shot – does anyone really think they will turn up for their vaccination appointment?

    Well no-one has farked our buzzards – they seem more prolific this year than recently. Plenty in the sky this morning. Buzzards, garden warblers and spotted flycatchers (they’re back!), all without leaving the shelter of my porch.

    1. Yes Philbert we know whet you want and remember it was the politicians that ordered the cull to please their chums, despite the science and the scientists saying it was the wrong route to take.

  3. I’ve noticed that John Miles is always slagging the RSPB. Could someone tell the rest of us why that is because I, for one, find him really annoying?! Did he complain about it when you were there, Mark? Here’s my impersonation of him – “blah blah bleat bleat RSPB wah wah waaah.”

    1. Linnet – not really, not to me anyway. There is some history to the relationship but I don’t know the details. Ancient history. We are all, including myself, a bit predictable. I prefer, in my case, to call it consistencyy.

  4. Think the RSPB will always attract criticism as there is no way that they can please everyone but in general they do a great job and anyone who visits reserves is really well looked after.Membership is wonderful value for money.
    We should not take any notice of people with big issues with RSPB,just ignore it as I am sure they do as they must get it all the time from people with anti bird issues.

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