Last week I had a chat with Charlie Moores about grouse shooting, hen harrier shooting, farmland birds, climate change, the honours system, the RSPB, whether I am happy, whether Charlie is any good at spotting birds, bluethroats, politicians, politics etc
You can listen to our chat on Charlie’s podcast Talking Naturally (where you will also find some other really good material) by clicking here.
Some of these things are covered in Fighting for Birds which is officially published today.
Martin Harper wrote a very kind review of Fighting for Birds on his blog on Monday.
Just shows what you can pack into 71 minutes…and it flew BEHIND me, dammit…

A very well conducted and rewarding interview covering a wide range of topics with which I found myself nodding in agreement.
The intelligence and articulation of Charlie Moores added greatly to its telling effect.
I shall be adding his blog to my essential reading and I shall certainly be buying your book.
Well done to both of you!
Best Wishes,
John B
Interesting interview Mark. I like the suggestion of a campaign to “end driven grouse shooting in 2013”. Why not?