Problem with site corrected – I believe

If you have visited my website recently and encountered some information about V****a on it then I’m sorry about that but the site was temporarily hacked.  I don’t think this lasted for more than a few hours, and I know that only a small number of users during the relevant period even noticed it (I could see nothing at all myself).

I think I have (with a bit of help from my friends) removed the offending code. All it did was to increase the search engine optimisation of some websites selling certain medicines.  Visiting my website won’t have done your computer any harm.

If you ever see anything on my site which you think is inappropriate please let me know – ranting about raptor persecution or the NFU do not count as inappropriate for these purposes.




8 Replies to “Problem with site corrected – I believe”

  1. Thought something was wrong when an I love Churchill’s guns grouse shooting agency email came through !!

  2. Do you know how they got in Mark? They have presumably somehow got hold of your password

    1. OMG are we suggesting that the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust might have taken up internet hacking????

  3. I wonder if the Vxxgra sellers decided to target your site after having read the results of the Readers Poll you published on the 13th December ?
    I suppose a blog read mostly by (Guardian reading) men of a certain age is a good place for them to focus their efforts ?!

  4. It could be a measure of your website/blog’s success Mark! – I understand that this sort of hacking is normally focused on sites where there is a lot of activity! I am a member of a very popular and busy moth forum which has been successfully hacked on three occasions in the last couple of years -the hackers were peddling the same product. The administrators in conjunction with the web space provider seem to have sorted it out now thankfully!

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