Since it is a new month I have decided to turn over a new leaf.
From now on I will:
- take up game shooting
- vote Conservative
- enjoy Flat racing more than National Hunt racing
- give up going to Stanwick Lakes
- take up botany
- give up birding
- stop being vegetarian four days a week
- give up writing
- promote the use of lead ammunition
- prefer Beaujolais to Bordeaux
- like sultanas added to apple pies and crumbles
- prefer Birdwatching to Birdwatch
- prefer the NT to the RSPB
…I will. Well, maybe until midday.

Nothing wrong with botany Mark. It keeps you off the streets. Without plants there would be no life on land! Can you recognise a primrose, a nettle, a daisy? You are on the way to becoming a botanist. Oh dear!
Botany is not such a bad thing! Why not keep it up once midday has passed?
Mark, I have just seen a black, flat disk with a groove on each side. Is this a record?
Is that our esteemed host on the motorcycle ?
I wasn’t going to mention that …
filbert – probably best that you don’t…
Bloody spooky!
My first thought was “so what’s wrong with Botany?”
And there – the first two comments – Botany !!!
I’ve got some weighty tomes if it helps
M&C Longmans
thrum-eyed or what?