The World at One say they had such a strong response to the chat between Martha Kearney and me on the subject of Passenger Pigeons that they have put up a separate link to it and included a film of the interview too – click here to hear and see the interview.
I also enjoyed the chat we had off air – she had clearly read A Message from Martha (as we talked about some of the details in Chapter 6 and without reading it, you wouldn’t know them) and she said some nice things about it to me – we authors are desperate for praise you know!
And the first review of A Message from Martha appeared today in the Independent and the ‘i’ (p42) – and I’m relieved to say it’s a very good one including phrases such as:
‘In its science, its history and its ecological insights, the book excels‘.
‘Avery’s description of the 40 per cent decline in British birds over the past century, and the bone-headed refusal of farmers’ leaders to endorse ecologically friendly farming methods, provide a chilling echo of his American discoveries. Will our own turtle dove follow the passenger pigeon into extinction over the next decade?‘.
‘Martha’s message rings out loud and clear‘.
Excellent, Mark! And I’ve just been doing the final polishing of 62 in my own book, so a neat coincidence of timing. Looking forward to seeing A Message From Martha next week.
Congratulations Mark, that’s quite a coup getting a standout clip (which presumably means it’ll be available long after the usual iPlayer 7 day cutoff?).
Payday next week, so hoping this month’s budget can stretch to a copy of Martha
Great clip Mark. Have a look at the Passenger Pigeon on this Nat Geo extinction time line. They’ve got date wrong but it puts Martha in some sort of context. Have you approached them about a review or offered to write a piece? I have a contact somewhere. Would be great for US sales! Best wishes, Nick Ps will ask Andrea my wife to buy me a copy for Christmas/birthday. Could you personalise it?
Nicholas – of course. Get Andrea to buy it from me (that’s the easiest way to do it).
Opps – here’s the missing link