Round up

A few things that caught my eye:


4 Replies to “Round up”

  1. Thanks for the link Mark.

    When you speak to the Medway RSPB group next week, you might just possibly mention Lodge Hill in your talk. If you do, could you mention in passing that, as well as being a top place for Nightingales, it is also one of the most important places in the UK for unimproved grassland, with a number of rare and declining plants, including the lovely Dyer’s Greenweed (note apopstrophe). I can send you a photo of said Genista if you like. DG also has a number of extremely rare moths which are dependant on it – which no-one has yet looked for at Lodge Hill.

    Could I write a guest blog for you on Rampisham Down?

    1. Miles – thank you. Who knows what will come up on Tuesday but it is likely to be dominated by passenger Pigeons and Hen Harriers i would guess!

      I already have a Guest Blog promised for me on Rampisham Down, but I would be happy to ahve yours too if that isn’t a problem for you.

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