I’ve just finished my Big Garden Birdwatch. I started at 1030 but then was on the phone for quite a while. Whose ears were burning?
It was a good BGBW – no cats and lots of birds!
Blackbird 4
Chaffinch 2
Reed Bunting 1
House Sparrow 4
Great Tit 1
Starling 5
Dunnock 2
Goldfinch 3
Wren 2 (big flock for our garden!)
Blue Tit 3
Collared Dove 2
Robin 2
Wood Pigeon 2
Greenfinch 1
Such good fun to take an hour out to do this. You still have time if you haven’t got around to it yet.
A good haul Mark; I managed 15 species, my best ever BGBW score – the full list is here:
All the best,
First year I have submitted data for them but for some reason the software would not allow me to answer the six questions describing garden type!
Shame because we had Green Woodpecker an intermittent visitor, Great Spotted were conspicous by their absence! Otherwise usual suspects with moderate (14) numbers of Tree Sparrow and 12 Goldfinch, just a single cock House Sparrow a species still in decline in rural areas.
Bluebells and apple blossom in Jan! I’m clearly living too far North.
I haven’t had any starlings at all for several years in BGBW and I think collared dove have been driven out by those oafish wood pigeons. I keep trying to attract goldfinch, but without success. Still plenty of sparrows though.
That lawn looks like its answer to the fb relationships question is “It’s complicated”
Nice stuff Mark, we only managed a few in our garden (the feeders are only newly up as recently moved, so not yet really been found).