Hen Harrier Eve, 8 August 2015


In fact – tickets available NOW!  See foot of this post.


Hen Harrier Eve – 8 August 2015

1830 Doors open, and so does the bar, in the High Peak room of the Palace Hotel, Buxton for Hen Harrier Eve – an evening to celebrate the Hen Harrier..


1930 Mark Avery – an introduction and a short reading from Inglorious

1945 RSPB Skydancer video

2000 Water and Stone – readings about place

2015 Jeremy Deller in conversation with Mark Cocker

2035 -2100 Interval

2100 Mark Cocker – Birds of prey and their part in our culture

2120 Findlay Wilde – Where’s Henry – a pictorial history

2135 Chris Packham

2155 Charlie Moores from Birders Against Wildlife Crime closes the evening and says a few words about tomorrow’s Hen Harrier Day


2200-2400  Bar open, mingle.


Tickets are now on sale. Email mark@markavery.info with the number of tickets you would like (£10 each, max of four tickets per email address) and the names of the ticket-holders (for fire safety reasons and because tickets will have your name on them) and I’ll be in touch about payment details. We really do expect tickets to sell out quickly (not kidding) so don’t delay in getting your emails to me.  You will hear if you have been successful by, or at, next weekend.





9 Replies to “Hen Harrier Eve, 8 August 2015”

  1. So many dislikes, are these from the ( borrowing from another commenter) crapulous tossers that have a rather different view of Hen Harriers and the law protecting them? Shame on you all you losers.

  2. Anyone who dislikes a bird of prey needs their head feeling…. #Headisselfish&empty

  3. All this gets more surreal – who the heck has’curated’ this one? Even Jeremy Deller – the clown’/genius (?) who sold walking down the street to Manchester Festival as an ‘art work’ – has got himself into this one! One for the bearded tits I think.

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