Rory Stewart is a new Defra minister and everyone says that he seems his own man and a bright guy. Certainly, he looks like he is a rather different kettle of fish from recent Defra ministers. So I thought that it would be worth the following gambit on Twitter:
@markavery: Minister, if I send u a copy of my book on why we shd ban driven grouse shooting – will you read it? @RoryStewartUK
and, slightly to my surprise, but delight, got the rapid response:
@RoryStewartUK – send it in!
So a copy of Inglorious is winging its way to Smith Square right now.
If the minister is reading it, you need to read it too – right?
Encouraging! Perhaps you heard him as I did on Weds R4 World at One at c. 1:35. He sounded genuinely engaged with his brief – worth a listen.
Mark, it only seems fair for you to return the favour and read his excellent ‘Occupational hazards’.
Peter – it does look quite interesting, I agree
For any Minister to convince me he’d read it, he’d need to be on a panel answering questions about the topic.
Perhaps I’m not as generous as Mark, because I have lost faith, confidence and definitely trust in the majority of the Westminster bubble. However, surprisingly I do remain an agnostic ….
Superb! How about offering the same to the CEOs of: NT, Utilities, EA and NE? Maybe even target MPs in grouse moor areas?
good unashamed plug for your book – I’d expect nothing less! However, he didn’t say he would read it. He’s probably just got a wobbly desk.
See also my blog which has encouraging stuff from the Minister about national parks https://campaignerkate.wordpress.com/2015/08/02/national-parks-the-soul-of-britain/
However, some of the comments are a bit sceptical!
Try “The Places Inbetween”, superb book from the Minister.
if you send me one, i’ll read it.
I am going to indulge in the addictive sport of name-dropping. I know Rory Stewart, whose family live not far from me in Perthshire. You have in him someone who quite often comes out with original, non-stereotyped thoughts. He MIGHT be persuaded to help over issues of upland habitat conservation/raptor conservation. Mark, I am glad to see that it looks as if your book is getting lots of readers.
Names …. how about actions from Ministers to address illegal acts then we might remember their names?
Plenty of talk from the politicians but precious little on principles. Ooops, politics & principles …. ? Too busy bailing out bankers or enjoying pay rises to worry about the environment or conservation?
Well he’s had e mails from constituents in Cumbria about the issue and I’d wager he’s the sort of guy to be as good as his word and read it for a comprehensive assessment of the issue.
Watch this space!
Hi Mark,
Good that he will read your book. I can recommend one of his: The Places in Between ..get it here: http://www.amazon.co.uk/The-Places-Between-Rory-Stewart/dp/0330486349
Have a good day on sunday.
As an addendum to what I wrote two days ago, Rory Stewart COULD turn out to be a useful ally PROVIDED THAT he is not drawn into the brood management/raptor quota camp by those who might try to persuade him that this is the answer to various problems.