4 Replies to “Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill”

    1. Actually we should be angry that soon (when the investigatory powers bill is passed) we will not be free to do this at all. Freedom cannot exist if everything is open to being scrutinised, and acted upon as seen fit by a more powerful authority.

      Don’t forget we are already in a situation where police have told teachers that they should consider envir­onmental activists and anti-fracking protesters as potential extremists under the government’s Prevent counter-terrorism strategy.


  1. Great cartoon Ralph ! I wonder where it will lead ? Over the years I’ve done many public meetings full of opposition & even abuse – but if you are polite (and have a moderately reasonable case) eventually someone will say ‘aren’t we being a bit unfair ?’ and I wonder if that won’t be the Conservatives ultimate downfall – a very deeply embedded feeling for fairness & the underdog in British society.

  2. I think the Chairman Mao-style bicycle was the best one! Not at all like the oak-framed ‘British Democrat’ model favoured by Boris Johnson or the trusty old job-seeker used by Norman Tebbit’s father in the 1930s.

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