Today, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I will comment in detail some time, but this plan gives every reason to sign this e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting just to send a message to Defra that we want more action for Hen Harriers (and flooding, and water quality, and peat erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions, and blanket bogs, and lead ammunition and…).
Please sign this e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting and it may break through the 30,000 signature barrier tonight rather than tomorrow.
PS and I have some things to say about the Langholm bombshells too – great Guest Blog by Ruth Tingay this morning.
I’m fascinated to see that following my critical (of the plan, not RSPB) comment on Martin Harper’s RSPB blog there’s been an unusual upsurge of activity – all supporting the Defra plan.
Fearing I might have been a little hasty, I took another look at the plan headlines. Its actually far worse than I initially thought. Yes, working together is great but not when it is a total cop out. How can whoever gets involved in this really sit on the conservation side of the table and discuss this plan with a straight face when everyone knows they are sitting across from the people who have it in their power to save the Hen Harrier with just a word ? This is real Alice in wonderland stuff, rounded off by the ‘celebration’ of the ‘success’ that Hen Harrier nests went from 4 to 6 last year. The argument that this is the only game in town works only if the conservation sector plays. It doesn’t have to and in my view it simply cannot under these conditions.
Roderick,you are absolutely right,how can anyone think Martin Harpers response is anything but a lot of waffle about a plan that will have Grouse moor owners thinking they could not have put it better if they were in charge.