What a great start – thank you!

Henry meets Bill Oddie
Henry meets Bill Oddie

When I woke this morning I knew there was something I had to do – check on the number of signatures on the e-petition I launched yesterday.

It was around 1pm yesterday that I noticed that the e-petition had gone live – I wasn’t expecting it to happen at the weekend. By the time I went to bed it was well past 2000 signatures and by the time I woke it was well past 2500.

What a great start – thank you!

And ‘Thank you!’ too to Bill Oddie, Eduardo de Goncalves (the CEO of LACS) and Chris Packham for their public support.

Here’s a link to some FAQs.

And so, please sign this e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting and force a parliamentary debate on the future of our uplands.




3 Replies to “What a great start – thank you!”

  1. Signed, and wishing you all the best with this petition. It would be wonderful if some producer would back a hard hitting TV documentary on this subject for prime time TV. Do they still do them? It’s the sort of thing the public would really get behind if they were informed of what’s going on and then there’d be a deluge of support for you petition. Great to see Chris Packham sticking his head above the parapet, and my respect for him grows.

  2. Is there an option for a commissioned piece to be uploaded to uTube amidst a mass twitter campaign if ‘mainstream’ TV are too pro establishment?

    Being good scientists we could even offer the Game Trust and Moorland Association et. al. an opportunity to respond to questions posed on camera, we might even allow them sight of those questions ahead of filming?

    Picture a debate with a panel being filmed, picture the series of images embedded to illustrate management practice &c. …. MPs too might like to feature in it, obviously those in favour of continued status quo and those who see and ‘get’ the issues of the impact of upland management across a range of issues. The RSPB might be invited and NE, then again what would they bring to the table …. but ever an agnostic.

    Approaching 4000 already

  3. Signed and shared on Facebook – I also included a link to the Walshaw Dean ‘Outrage’ to illustrate the depths of depravity that these people will sink to in order to make a profit. It sickens me that these are the ‘ruling class’ in our country. Your book, Mark, is a riveting (though sobering) read. Thank you for making such an important stand and well done on the success so far of the petition!

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