At last!

Very early this morning, in a surprise announcement, the Countryside Alliance said it would stop defending the indefensible, lay down its arms, and advise its members to switch to walked up shooting.

We recognise that driven grouse shooting is damaging the environment in so many ways that defending it is taking up too much of our time in a pointless worthless fight over a pointless worthless field sport‘.

The TCWG said ‘I’m just a Brummie‘.


12 Replies to “At last!”

  1. Please people don’t get too excited – it is April Fool’s Day. Nice one,Mark. It would be good if it were true.

  2. You missed out the end of the statement:
    ‘Moreover, we will lobby hard for a fairer society, with land reform at the top of our agenda, and really prove we are all it together’.

  3. Ah, well that’s good too but what about the news that UK governments, local authorities and NGOs have agreed on a an effective fully costed natural capital and conservation plan that will ensure that:

    * the value of ecosystem services is recognised, protected and incorporated into local and country economies and the planning system in a joined up way for terrestrial, aquatic and marine environments

    * a community infrastructure levy on all development includes a significant component for enhancing strategic green and blue corridors within and beyond urban areas.

    * agri-environment schemes actually work to deliver the countryside we want.

    * national conservation and environment agencies are properly funded to help deliver a 21st Century Plus Environment Plan which takes full account of projected climate change, and have effective legal powers to act as independent watchdogs.

    *the Secretary of State for the Environment actively encourages NGOs to highlight concerns and to work together with DEFRA to develop effective approaches going forwards (including in relation to damaging land management practices).

    * the need for and value of biodiversity information to guide policy & decision-making is not only recognised but actively supported with funding of core functions for local recording centres, national schemes and the coordination of the National Biodiversity Network.

    * precautionary, evidence-led, ‘Nature first, second and third’ approach underpins all decision making.

    * public and commercial bodies not only have a duty to consider biodiversity conservation but to contribute actively towards it.

    * the natural world is part of the National Curriculum and people are better connected with nature.

    BUT I guess that and the other items that ought to be covered just wouldn’t be news worthy.

  4. In a similar outpouring of honesty a spokesperson from the CA denounced trail hunting as merely a cover up.

    “It’s true”, they said.

    “Everything IFAW, LACS and Sabs have been saying all along. We’ve been hunting as if there’s been no ban for the past 10 years. Thing is we keep getting away with it so why change? When you have the whole judicial system and the Prime Minister in your back pocket you may as well crack on and enjoy killing stuff. Tally Ho!”

    1. You never know, after eating toxic lead residue in their ‘healthy’ game meat maybe their membership might believe the announcement?

      Approaching 15,000 no joke!

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