Ralph writes: This is a draft of a cartoon I did for a FoE Brussels campaign on the importance of regulation – I thought readers of this blog might appreciate it.
3 Replies to “Saturday cartoon by Ralph Underhill”
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Ever heard a brexiter argue for better regulation?
Yeah, more regulation on who can claim benefits, on what people on benefits are allowed to do, more regulation on stricter disability criteria, and of course much-much-much-much more regulation on anyone who isn’t pasty white (excluding pasty white redheads who are all under suspicion of being Irish in the first degree). I’ve also started to hear in the brexiter camp a demand for toilet access regulation for people suspected of being transgender and also regulation to keep gay people away from children.
Of course for anyone who isn’t poor, gay, trans or foreign, they want open season on do-as-you-please-even-if-it-harm-all. I suspect it will work as well here as it does across the pond. Good news for the already privileged and well off if the Brexit camp win. Bad news for everyone else, including our wildlife. Which is probably what will happen, sadly enough.
Regulation worthless unless it can be enforced – Staffing levels and funding of key enforcement agencies getting lower and lower. Funding pays for staff, expert examination/ analysis, equipmentsetc. Expertise being lost, effectiveness decreasing and remaining staff under increasing pressure.