We grouse shooters have some gall,
You cannot trust us, not at all.
Our chaps in Defra raised the hope,
That brood meddling would soft soap,
The likes of Rory and Ms Truss.
Whilst we got on with little fuss,
With the business we like the best,
Ridding moors of every damn pest:
Hen Harriers vanish and hares destroyed,
Peregrines and kites vanish in a void,
Raptorial birds never should be seen,
In areas where grouse rule supreme.
Just pretend to care and pull the wool,
Over the eyes of those we wish to fool
But we never ever should’ve cast doubt,
On what everybody now is sure about!
Harrier decoys, pole traps in a line,
(Culprit caught yet not even a fine),
Buzzards poisoned runs true to form,
More traps found now on Cairngorm,
Hubristic provocation damn’d us to perdition,
Now more will sign Avery’s wretched petition!
by John Cantelo with a nod towards Hilaire Belloc’s The Microbe
Surely that deserves a prize!
For exposing all their downright lies!
That last sentence – I had to look up the first and last word;
Hubristic: extremely arrogant behaviour resulting from pride or passion
Perdition: complete and utter ruin
Well worth adding those two to one’s vocabulary.
A signed copy of your book perhaps???