If you have been directed to this page then it’s probably because you have sent me an unsolicited email offering me a Guest Blog of the following general type:
I have some great topics for your site
Hello ,
I’m [insert name] and I just wanted to say that your blog, looks great and I enjoy reading it. I am a blogger myself and write for various [insert topic] blogs and magazines.
I would love to get featured with an article on your blog. I think one of the posts below would work in great with your style and blog:
Celebrity pick: The favorite bags of Gigi Hadid
The 12 countries you must visit before you die
How to store coffee beans or grounds properly
Health benefits of Coconut Oil
I hope you will give me this opportunity to create something cool for your blog… I saw you have accepted guest posts in the past, so hopefully I can try beat you’re fav!
Errrr – no thanks.
Unless any regular readers of this blog feel very drawn to any of these subjects…?