Oscar writes: While pulling into the car park at Minsmere, during a 3-week stint doing some photography for them last Spring, I spotted this male Pheasant perched on top of this pile of rubble, occasionally displaying. I positioned the car so I could shoot through the open window, and after a few minutes it did its display again and I was able to get this photo.
Nikon D800, Nikon 400mm f/2.8 VR lens
I watched a couple of cock pheasants fighting in the sunshine this afternoon. I would much sooner not have millions of the things released into the countryside every year but it’s hard to deny that they are rather splendid looking creatures!
It’s all beak and trousers with Cock Gooneys. On the other hand, Lady Gooneys fight when they have chicks to feed and go at it with a vengeance – as with tennis, a draw is not possible.
Mr White of Newton sprung a pheasant in wheat stubble-field, & shot at it … it was immediately pursued by the blue hawk known as the Hen-harrier, but escaped into some covert. He then sprung a second, & a third in the same field that got away in the same manner; the hawk hovering round him all the while that he was beating the field, conscious no doubt of the game that lurked in the stubble. Hence we may conclude that this bird of prey was rendered very daring, & bold by hunger … [Gilbert White’s Journals, Feb. 24th 1793]
Animal behaviour, you can’t beat it.
Lovely picture.