Donana Bird Fair 2017


I was at the Donana Bird Fair two years ago and, rather by chance, I was back there on Sunday.

This is Year 4 and the event is clearly developing. There is still sun and fun, and good birds to be seen on site (including that duck with a blue beak),  but there are also more talks and more walks and trips.

I met some old friends, and started making some new ones.

I looked around at lunch time and thought that compared with ‘The’ Bird Fair, the food was better (arroz con venado), the weather was better, there were more geckos, more Booted Eagles, more children, more women and fewer people drinking beer. Apart from that, it was quite similar.

Brexit was mentioned.



3 Replies to “Donana Bird Fair 2017”

  1. I’m expecting part 2 to follow soon
    With a lot more details of the do’s and don’ts for the event and surroundings.
    Your avid follower

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