25 years is a long time in….


25 years is a long time in…well it’s a long time, full stop.

Birdwatch magazine is 25 years old and this is its 300th issue.  Happy Birthday!

In this issue there are articles on the development of optics technology and digital photography (by Mike Alibone and Steve Young) and a piece by me on the changing face of birds and nature conservation.  David Callahan looks at how avian taxonomy has changed -I found this very useful and interesting.

Did you see the Rupell’s warbler of 1992 – that was 25 years ago too.

And Mark Cocker takes a look at a long-dead ornithological fraudster.

Happy Birthday to Birdwatch and I’m already looking forward to the 301st issue.




1 Reply to “25 years is a long time in….”

  1. It would have been extra special to have had a Varied Thrush on the cover so that it really would be happening again

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