In this occasional series (weekly so far – but this is only Week 3) of links to other interesting blog posts, here are some more blogs that have caught my eye:
- One Kind: Why we’re backing Hen Harrier Day
- Joyce Hopewell: A Hen Harrier’s tale
- Fiona Bell, Butterfly Conservation: Butterflies and sunburn – life as a Lulworth Skipper intern
- Peter Cooper: How to reintroduce carnivores and alienate people: a word of caution
- Martin Harper, RSPB: Initial reaction to the Repeal Bill
- Elliot: Dragonflies a ditch full of jewels
- Raptor Persecution UK: Meet the raptor scientists: series of public talks in Scotland, Sept 2017
- Sarah Dolman of Whale and Dolphin Conservation on WCL blog: Let’s tackle bycatch
- James Common: The Lake District granted UNESCO World Heritage Status
- LeftFootForward: The idea of a progressive alliance is dead. The Greens need a new strategy.