Dr Therese Coffey is the junior minister at Defra. When Gavin Gamble’s e-petition in favour of banning driven grouse shooting passes 10,000 signatures (and it passed 9000 yesterday) then Dr Coffey will need to sign off a government response.
In order that she does not make Defra look even more foolish than they do already I am providing a reading list for the minister to inform her response.
The following is from the written evidence that was asked for, and totally ignored, in the debate on the same subject which was held about a year ago. This is by Ruth Tingay.
Dr Ruth Tingay is an experienced raptor worker and one of the authors of Raptor Persecution UK (the top raptor blog). This is how she described herself in her written evidence, ‘I have been studying birds of prey for over 20 years with fieldwork experience on five continents. I have an MSc and PhD from the University of Nottingham and have authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications. I served as International Director for the Raptor Research Foundation for six years, and a further four years as President. I am a member of the IUCN Red List Authority (Birds) and a member of the IUCN Species Survival Commission Expert Network. I serve on the management committee of the Scottish Raptor Study Group. As an independent consultant I have undertaken commissioned conservation research for government agencies and environmental NGOs both in the UK and abroad. My current research interest is the illegal persecution of raptors in the UK.’.
Ruth’s evidence supports a ban on driven grouse shooting and is backed up by many references to the biology and the legal background to the issue of wildlife crime. Have a read of it, Dr Coffey.
But then also look at the Appendix of wildlife crimes against birds of prey (and a few Ravens and owls) which occurred on grouse moors between 2010 and 2016 (at the time of the Westminster Hall debate)(reproduced below). The list includes many of the ‘disappeared’ as well as confirmed persecution incidents.
In the face of such widespread and regular wildlife crime only a fool would claim that the current approach is effective. I’m with Einstein on this one ‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results‘ and so, Dr Coffey, don’t, please, tell us that the National Wildlife Crime Unit is going to sort out all this crime in the uplands. If you were to trot out that argument again then you are either insane, which I very much doubt, or you are just taking the mickey! So, you’ll have to come up with some thing much better than that to prove that you, Defra and the Conservative Party is remotely serious about stopping wildlife crime on the grouse moors of northern England (and the rest of the UK).
Examples of raptor persecution incidents in areas managed for driven grouse shooting, 2006-2016. (252 incidents: 2016 = 17; 2015 = 17; 2014 = 23; 2013 = 16; 2012 = 19; 2011 = 18; 2010 = 38; 2009 = 22; 2008 = 14; 2007 = 28; 2006 = 40).
(NP = National Park)
Year | Region | Species | Evidence | Outcome |
2016 | Peak District NP | Peregrine | Shot | No prosecution |
2016 | North York Moors NP | Buzzard | Shot & trapped | No prosecution |
2016 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2016 | Peak District NP | Hen harrier | Armed man filmed with decoy hen harrier | – |
2016 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2016 | Yorkshire Dales NP | – | Gamekeeper filmed setting 3 x illegal pole traps | Cautioned |
2016 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2016 | Cairngorms NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2016 | North Yorkshire | Red kite | Shot | No prosecution |
2016 | S Lanarkshire | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2016 | Cairngorms NP | Goshawk | Shot | No prosecution |
2016 | Co Durham | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2016 | North Yorkshire | Red kite | Shot | No prosecution |
2016 | Peak District NP | Goshawk | Suspected shot – gun cartridge & shot feathers found under nest | No prosecution |
2016 | Cairngorms NP | – | Illegally-set traps | No prosecution |
2016 | Monadhliaths | Goshawk | Disturbance | No prosecution |
2016 | Monadhliaths | Buzzard | 4 x nests disturbed | No prosecution |
2015 | Peak District NP | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2015 | S Lanarkshire | Hen harrier | Shot | No prosecution |
2015 | Stirlingshire | Red kite | Caught in illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2015 | Co Durham | Short-eared owl | Shot | No prosecution |
2015 | Monadhliaths | Red kite | Dead ‘due to unnatural causes’ according to police. | No prosecution |
2015 | Stirlingshire | Peregrine | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2015 | Peak District NP | Osprey | Injuries consistent with being caught in spring trap | No prosecution |
2015 | Co Durham | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2015 | Cairngorms NP | Hen harrier | Dead, suspected shot (satellite tagged) | No prosecution |
2015 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2015 | Nairnshire | Red kite | Poisoned (type not released) | No prosecution |
2015 | Co Durham | Short-eared owls | Shot | No prosecution |
2015 | Peak District NP | Goshawk | Nest shot at night | No prosecution |
2015 | Perthshire | Golden eagle | Nest burnt out | No prosecution |
2015 | Co Durham | Peregrine | Shot | No prosecution |
2015 | Peak District NP | Raven | Nest destroyed | No prosecution |
2015 | S Lanarkshire | Peregrine | Armed man seen with decoy peregrine | – |
2014 | Cairngorms NP | Goshawk | Masked men filmed shooting nest | No prosecution |
2014 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Shot next to illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2014 | Aberdeenshire | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2014 | Stirlingshire | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2014 | Inverness-shire | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2014 | Peak District NP | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2014 | Scottish Borders | – | 4 x illegally-set traps next to live decoy | No prosecution |
2014 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2014 | Scottish Borders | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Peak District NP | Buzzard | Caught in illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2014 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Shot next to illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Cairngorms NP | White-tailed eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2014 | Scottish Borders | Tawny owl | Shot | No prosecution |
2014 | S Lanarkshire | Peregrine | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2014 | Peak District NP | Goshawk | Dead, injuries consistent with being caught in spring trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2014 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Shot next to illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2014 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Shot next to illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2014 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2013 | Cairngorms NP | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2013 | Angus Glens | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2013 | Aberdeenshire | Red kite | Shot | No prosecution |
2013 | Peak District NP | Goshawk | Masked men filmed at nest | No prosecution |
2013 | S Lanarkshire | – | Cache of poisoned baits (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2013 | Cairngorms NP | Hen harrier | Shot | No prosecution |
2013 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Shot & poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2013 | Aberdeenshire | Hen harrier | Shot | Prosecution ongoing |
2013 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2013 | Yorkshire Dales NP | – | Illegal pole trap | Conviction |
2013 | S Lanarkshire | Red kite | Attempted shooting | No prosecution |
2013 | Cairngorms NP | White-tailed eagle | Nest tree felled | No prosecution |
2013 | Angus Glens | – | Illegally-set trap next to bait | No prosecution |
2013 | S Lanarkshire | Red kite | Shot | No prosecution |
2013 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Attempted shooting | No prosecution |
2013 | Angus Glens | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2012 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Nest shot out | No prosecution |
2012 | S Lanarkshire | Goshawk | Nest shot out | No prosecution |
2012 | Northumberland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2012 | Aberdeenshire | Hen harrier | Shot | No prosecution |
2012 | Perthshire | Buzzard | Caught in illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2012 | Angus Glens | Red kite | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2012 | Peak District NP | Goshawk | Nest destroyed & eggs smashed | No prosecution |
2012 | S Lanarkshire | Golden eagle | Shot | No prosecution |
2012 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2012 | Cairngorms NP | Peregrine | Nest burnt out | No prosecution |
2012 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Caught in illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2012 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen Harrier | Shot | No prosecution |
2012 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2012 | Cairngorms NP | Short-eared owl | Shot | No prosecution |
2012 | Cairngorms NP | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2012 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2012 | Angus Glens | Golden eagle | Caught in illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2012 | NY Moors NP | Sparrowhawk | Shot | No prosecution |
2012 | Angus Glens | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2011 | Scottish Borders | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned bait (Aldicarb) | No prosecution |
2011 | Cumbria | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2011 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | Peregrine | Shot | No prosecution |
2011 | Angus Glens | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | Short-eared owl | Shot | No prosecution |
2011 | Peak District NP | – | Illegal use of trap | Conviction |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2011 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran, Aldicarb) | No prosecution |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2011 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2011 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2011 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2011 | S Lanarkshire | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2010 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Angus Glens | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Scottish Borders | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2010 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | 4 x leg rings, previously fitted on chicks, found in jar at gamekeeper’s house | No prosecution |
2010 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Poisoned (Chloralose) | No prosecution |
2010 | Peak District NP | Goshawk | Disturbance (camp built under nest tree) | No prosecution |
2010 | Cairngorms NP | Goshawk | Caught in illegal pole trap | No prosecution |
2010 | North York Moors NP | Goshawk | Shot | No prosecution |
2010 | Angus Glens | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2010 | Sutherland | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | S Lanarkshire | Short-eared owl | Shot | No prosecution |
2010 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | Hen harrier | Caught in illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2010 | Sutherland | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2010 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Sutherland | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Aldicarb) | No prosecution |
2010 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2010 | Peak District NP | Goshawk | 4 x fledglings dead, lined up on ground, BTO leg rings removed | No prosecution |
2010 | Sutherland | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | – | 6 x illegally-set traps | No prosecution |
2010 | Peak District NP | Peregrine | Suspected shot | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | Red kite | Severed legs & wing tags found hidden under moss | No prosecution |
2010 | Sutherland | – | 10.5kg Carbofuran stashed | Conviction |
2010 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2010 | Monadhliaths | Red kite | 2 x decomposed close to illegally set traps | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Cairngorms NP | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | Red kite | Dead in gamekeeper’s vehicle, bludgeoned head & leg injuries consistent with spring trap | Conviction for ‘possession’ of dead red kite |
2010 | Sutherland | Sparrowhawk | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Morayshire | White-tailed eagle | Dead bird removed before police arrived next day | – |
2010 | Angus Glens | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2010 | Cairngorms NP | – | Illegal pole trap | No prosecution |
2010 | Monadhliaths | White-tailed eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Cairngorms NP | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2009 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Scottish Borders | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Cairngorms NP | Raven | Poisoned (Mevinphos) | No prosecution |
2009 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite-tagged) | – |
2009 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | Conviction |
2009 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2009 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | S Lanarkshire | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2009 | Angus Glens | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2009 | S Lanarkshire | Magpie | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Scottish Borders | – | 4 x poisoned baits (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | S Lanarkshire | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned bait (Mevinphos) | No prosecution |
2009 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2009 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2009 | Cairngorms NP | Raven | Poisoned (Mevinphos) | No prosecution |
2009 | Angus Glens | White-tailed eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2008 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Alphachloralose) | No prosecution |
2008 | S Lanarkshire | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2008 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2008 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2008 | Angus Glens | White-tailed eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran, Bendiocarb, Isofenphos) | No prosecution |
2008 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2008 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Poisoned (Bendiocarb) | No prosecution |
2008 | Angus Glens | – | 32 poisoned baits (Carbofuran, Bendiocarb, Isophenphos) | No prosecution |
2008 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2008 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Alphachloralose) | No prosecution |
2008 | Bowland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2008 | Angus Glens | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2008 | S Lanarkshire | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2008 | S Lanarkshire | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cumbria | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | S Lanarkshire | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Alphachloralose) | No prosecution |
2007 | North York Moors NP | – | 6 x illegally-set traps | Conviction |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2007 | Co Durham | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Shot | No prosecution |
2007 | North York Moors NP | – | Poisoned baits (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Northumberland | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2007 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Angus Glens | White-tailed eagle | Suspected shot (radio tagged) | – |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned baits (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Scottish Borders | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Yorkshire Dales NP | Hen harrier | Disappeared (satellite tagged) | – |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | – | Illegal pole trap | No prosecution |
2007 | Scottish Borders | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2007 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2007 | Cairngorms NP | Red kite | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Cairngorms NP | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned baits (Aldicarb) | No prosecution |
2006 | Cairngorms NP | Raven | Poisoned (Aldicarb) | No prosecution |
2006 | Angus Glens | – | Traces of poison (Carbofuran) inside estate vehicles & on equipment | No prosecution |
2006 | Cairngorms NP | – | Poisoned bait (Aldicarb) | No prosecution |
2006 | Cairngorms NP | Golden eagle | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Peak District NP | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Cairngorms NP | Raven | Poisoned (Mevinphos) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Angus Glens | Buzzard | Poisoned (Alphachloralose) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Peak District NP | Raven | Shot | No prosecution |
2006 | Angus Glens | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Morayshire | Buzzards | 11 x shot | No prosecution |
2006 | Cairngorms NP | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Angus Glens | Tawny owl | Poisoned (Alphachloralose) | No prosecution |
2006 | Morayshire | Buzzard | Caught in illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Peak District NP | Peregrine | Shot | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Peak District NP | – | Illegally-set trap | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Angus Glens | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Peak District NP | Buzzard | Suspected shot | No prosecution |
2006 | Angus Glens | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | Raven | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | – | 6 x poisoned baits (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Peak District NP | Peregrine | Suspected shot | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | S Lanarkshire | – | Poisoned bait (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Scottish Borders | Buzzard | Poisoned (Carbofuran) | No prosecution |
2006 | Peak District NP | Peregrine | Caught in illegal pole trap | No prosecution |
Please sign this e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting and put Dr Coffey on the spot.
The government response should:
- be published within 2 weeks of Gavin Gamble’s e-petition reaching 10,000 signatures
- announce that vicarious liability for wildlife crimes will be introduced in England because of the unacceptably high levels of wildlife crime
- announce that Defra will ask the RSPB to come forward with proposals for licensing of shooting estates within a month and that Defra will respond to them by Christmas
- acknowledge the level of concern about driven grouse shooting which led to 123,077 signatures being gained last year for an absolute ban on this hobby (I’m not expecting Dr Coffey to say anything nicer than that about a ban)
- confirm that Defra is looking at removal of farming subsidies from grouse moors in its post-Brexit agricultural strategy
- confirm that the evidence for wider environmental damage of heather burning has increased recently and that this is an issue that government will address and that this will require widespread changes to grouse moor management (burning and draining)
- mention where the government is with dealing with the RSPB complaint to the EU over unsustainable moorland management due to grouse shooting practices
- acknowledge that the plight of the Hen Harrier has not improved in two breeding seasons since the Defra Hen Harrier plan was launched and that the grouse shooting industry has not cleaned up its act and is on a last warning
- announce that the details of the 15-year Natural England Hen Harrier study will be published by Christmas 2017 in a government report with further recommendations for Hen Harrier conservation
- acknowledge that wildlife crime applies to many other protected species other than the Hen Harrier
- announce that the National Capital Committee has been asked to compile a report on ecosystem services and grouse moor management
- announce a review of the economic costs and benefits of intensive grouse moor management will be carried out by independent academics and published by Christmas 2018.
The government response should not:
- say that funding of the NWCU is a sufficient response to combatting bird of prey persecution in the uplands (because nobody who knows has ever suggested such a thing)
- say or suggest that grouse shooting provides a nett economic benefit to the nation (because there are no such figures)
- suggest that the current Hen Harrier Action Plan is remotely fit for purpose
- praise gamekeepers
- conflate benefits of all shooting (economic or environmental) with benefits of grouse shooting (because it makes the government department and/or its ministers look either stupid or biased)
‘The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results‘ – and so with writing to Dr Coffey, I’m with Einstein
Filbert – I knew someone would say that! But we haven’t actually written to Dr Coffey before in the same way! And the political climate is definitely changing.
That list isn’t surprising, but gawd its depressing.
Its quite impressively stark though (in a really bad way). If there’s a way to give this list a much higher level of public exposure that would be well worthwhile.
How about updating it and appending it to every press release from every conservation organisation about every missing raptor from now on?
Other/better ideas welcome.
Annual memorial service for raptors destroyed and missing, every August 12th?
That’s an appalling list of illegally slaughtered birds which is probably just a small percentage of the total. It really is time the government agencies got to grips with this on-going criminality! And also, really time for our conservation NGOs to be more robust in bringing this issue to public attention.
Sandra – it is the tip of the tip of the iceberg.
For balance:
Dr Tingay’s report was commissioned and published by the league against cruel sports and shows no sign of any review process
Much of its evidence is extracted from rspb publications, many of them published during Dr Avery’s time at the rspb, none of which appear to have been peer reviewed, which are heavily caveated by the rspb itself:
‘The views expressed in Birdcrime are not necessarily those of the RSPB or PAW.’
‘The figures in annual Birdcrime reports may vary from other published reports, because data sets compiled for different purposes, using very different methods, are unlikely to be directly comparable.’
Dr Tingay’s appendix includes as examples of raptor persecution satellite tagged birds that have disappeared. DEFRA makes it clear why these birds are so often not discovered:
The satellite tags have a 10hrs on/48hrs off tag transmission cycle so the bird usually dies during an off cycle many kilometres from its last known position. If the dead bird is either in long vegetation or lying on its back, the solar batteries will never recharge and the bird will not be found.
The DEFRA evidence also indicates that, since it is young birds that are tagged (raptor mortality very high during first year from natural causes: sometimes only 10% survive http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ibi.12355/full), they frequently fall prey to avian or terrestrial predation.
The evidence also includes incidents listed as ‘nest shot out’, disturbance, attempted shooting etc.
Autopsy evidence to support claims that birds have been shot is not cited. The only autopsy results that I have seen cannot categorically state that the bird has been shot.
Evidence from elsewhere indicates that raptor breeding success is cyclical, whilst persecution is not, so natural factors are clearly the main factor in breeding success and it is there that a solution to any lack of breeding success will be found.
[edited by Mark, shortened, to try to keep the comments relevant to this particular post rather than making points that would be better made on other relevant posts]
Tim – as a ‘persecution denier’ you find the almost undeniable facts of widespread wildlife crime almost undeniable – but you still have a go. You didn’t comment on the previous post about Peregrines on grouse moors, I notice.
Nobody who is a serious player in this debate actually believes that raptors aren’t killed in massive numbers on grouse moors – Hen Harriers, Peregrines, Golden Eagles and more. By maintaining your ‘persecution denier’ response you demonstrate how irrelevant are your views. You cannot undermine the wealth of evidence on this subject. It’s undeniability is why Defra avoids talking about it rather than denies it.
But, Dr Tingay’s evidence was not commissioned by LACS, and in any case you can see from the blog that she is a highly respected and experienced raptor expert.
Your quote from the Newton et al paper is hardly relevant is it? This one would be ‘Those raptors that are predators of game birds or racing pigeons have long been subject in Britain and elsewhere to shooting, poisoning and other forms of persecution (e.g. Etheridge et al. 1997, Whitfield et al. 2004, 2008, Newton 2013).’
Tim – I’ve edited your comment below to remove matters that aren’t relevant to this post. I’ve also removed a few of your comments from this post and a couple of mine. This is not because I am stopping you having your say but because these comments are getting hopelessly confused and straying from the subject of the posts on which they appear.
So, you’ll have to start again commenting here and I will be looking very hard to keep these comment strings relevant to the posts on which they sit.
Sorry about that – I don’t blame you (much) for straying off topic a lot, particularly when your arguments are a bit ropy; it’s really my error in letting you get away with it too much.
“If such a solution can be found, it has the potential to benefit …” That would have been my position until about 5 years ago. Efforts to find a compromise solution have been going on for decades now, but it is clear that one side had and still has no intention to negotiate in good faith. My view now is that such an approach is long past its sell-by date, and a more robust strategy is needed.
But congratulations on your “For balance” wheeze! It ‘justifies’ you continuing with your usual outrageous cherry picking, all in the interests of fair play!
It’s a time-honoured tactic much used by other denialists, most notably the tobacco industry but also by the lead and asbestos lobbies as well as the climate change deniers.
Fortunately Mark is a much nicer and more patient chap than me – I would be tempted (like several of the best climate change sites) to wield the editorial blue pencil.
Several comments completely removed, censored, on a post about a debate in parliament under the highest standards of free speech! Standards?
Tim – you poor thing. Start again. And stick to the subject. And I removed my responses too remember – brilliantly crushing though my responses were. The post is actually about raptor persecution.