Just have a look through this collection of artwork going on sale at Christies from Tillypronie – there are some fantastic paintings on the market including a whole clutch of Thorburns, Lodges and some Scotts too.
The two illustrated here are by George Lodge and are quite superb. There is a wide variety but the images are dominated by a mixture of gamebirds and raptors – birds you can shoot and birds one should not.
I hope they all go to good homes, and some shooters need all the identification aids they can get.
Then again, why support a sporting estate (as Tillipronie is described by Christie’s) by buying paintings by dead artists when you can buy from living artists who support conservation and need the money.
a jolly good point !
I grew up like many others of my generation, on the Observors book of birds, with many Thorburn illustrations, later upgrading to Cowards three volumes with larger reproductions, I never tire of leafing through them.
However Lodge has an indefinable something in his work, and some of these look quite reasonably priced. Buy what you like first, you have to look at it on the wall.
Tillipronie looks a nicely managed spot, quite varied, the moorland fringes look interesting.