‘New’ raptor persecution maps produced by Defra

Defra has just published old and incomplete maps of raptor persecution events on the Magic system. These are worth having a glance at and I’ll be looking at them more closely through the day, as I’m sure will Raptor Persecution UK (this is right up their street), but if you have ever looked at the…

Guest blog – Millions of Slaughtered Birds by Richard Grimmett

  Richard Grimmett is responsible for overseeing BirdLife International’s conservation programmes for species, flyways, forests, marine and invasive species, as well as BirdLife’s work with the corporate sector. He has been with BirdLife (and its predecessor the International Council for Bird Preservation) since 1985. He is a keen birder as well as the author of…

Don’t presume

The Westminster government is very keen on presumed consent. This week it has said that it wishes to move towards a position of presumed consent for organ donation, ie that unless we opt out then we are presumed to be opted in.  That’s fine by me However, the government had a blow this week to…

Fine art

Just have a look through this collection of artwork going on sale at Christies from Tillypronie – there are some fantastic paintings on the market including a whole clutch of Thorburns, Lodges and some Scotts too. The two illustrated here are by George Lodge and are quite superb.  There is a wide variety but the…

Guest blog – Planning and biodiversity survey advice in England by Tim Reed

Although an ornithologist by training, Tim Reed has a background in monitoring and data quality- starting with standardising management planning and data recording for the statutory sector, moving on to developing the widely-used Common Standards site condition model. After a long period introducing peer-reviewable data and biodiversity and ecosystem reporting models in big corporates around…