Another thunderous week for Findlay

  Another week – another million added to the social reach on Findlay Wilde’s thunderclap.  Well done Finn – and your namesake is a mum too!  A good week! A social media thunderclap is a device where a single message is sent out to the social media contacts of everyone who signs up.  So if…

Oscar Dewhurst – Woodchat Shrike

Oscar writes: These were very common where we were in Spain, and I was very keen to get some photos of them. Unfortunately they all seemed to have a preference to only perch on ugly wire fences or thick artificial-looking fence-posts. Finally, on our last day, I spotted this one on a thistle, which made for…

Sunday book review – Sky Dancer by Gill Lewis

This is a book about Hen Harriers too (see reviews of The Hen Harrier and Bowland Beth)! But this book takes a different perspective – it is a novel about the impacts that Hen Harriers, and their persecution, have on a local family and the community in which it sits. In theory, this is a…

Tim Melling – Bearded Tit

  Tim writes:  I suppose the most unusual thing about this photograph is that it was not photographed in a reedbed.  In winter they are supposed to feed mainly on the seeds of Common Reed (Phragmites australis) but I found a flock feeding in a rough field near to a reedbed in North Lincolnshire.  It…

An Unreliable History of Birdwatching (17) by Paul Thomas

  Paul’s website   Previous episodes: An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (1) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (5) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (6) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (13) An Unreliable History of Birdwatching by Paul Thomas (15)        …