Dara and Tweet of the Day

  Here is Dara McAnulty (centre) pictured with his brother Lorcan and sister Blathnaid, and some bloke off the telly. I’ve been watching Dara’s blog for months now, and I look at it every week for sure. And I follow him on Twitter too (@naturalistdara). This morning Dara was making his second appearance on Tweet…

Isle of Man Hen Harriers

Yesterday we learned that the UK Hen Harrier population in 2016 was lower than in the previous two comparable surveys (2004 and 2010) but slightly higher than in 1998 and 1988/89. In the Isle of Man, a self-governing Crown Dependency (which is not a part of the UK, nor subject to the Common Agricultural Policy…

UK Hen Harrier survey results – what they say (3) – Defra

Defra is the government department responsible for wildlife and their new Secretary of State, Michael Gove, wants to know the answer to this question ‘If we want the UK’s approach to environmental protection and enhancement to be seen as the best in the world, what does that mean and what does it look like at…

UK Hen Harrier survey results – what they say (2)

2000 pairs of Hen Harrier are missing from the UK – overwhelmingly due to widespread, systematic and illegal persecution by grouse shooting interests.  The results of a UK-wide survey were released today: there were 545 pairs in 2016 compared with 633 in 2010. The media response: Overall, there are quite a few mentions of these…