18,847 ahead

Yesterday was the last day of the grouse shooting season for 2017 – Gavin Gamble’s e-petition seeks to make that cessation a permanent one and following yesterday’s thunderclap his e-petition is approaching 19,000 signatures and the list of ’50-signature’ constituencies has reached 64 constituencies (last week – 51).  Each of these constituencies has more signatures…

Bye bye Blue Planet

Yesterday evening was the last of the seven episodes of Blue Planet 2 – I’ll miss it next week. This closing episode addressed sideways on, if not completely head on, the fact that we are screwing the planet.  It was a brave attempt which was partly successful.  ‘There is hope’ appeared to be the message…

Paul Leyland – Bee Wolf

  Paul writes: This solitary wasp is a pretty fearsome looking beast, especially if you are a honey bee. Females are estimated to collect over 100 bees, mainly honey bees, during their flight period between July and mid-August. Thirty years ago in the UK the Bee-Wolf (Philanthus triangulum) was restricted to a few locations in…

Other blogs (8)

In this occasional series of links to other interesting blog posts, here are some more blogs that have caught my eye: Miles King – Free the Beaver: Michael Gove officially endorses legal #Beaver releases into the English Countryside Blathnaid MacAnulty on her older brother’s blog – Plastic Predators Martin Harper – a natural capital account for…

Thunderclap imminent

This thunderclap is about to send its message to over 3 million social media accounts and spread the message about why intensive grouse moor management should be no more.  It goes out at 3pm. If you are on Facebook or Twitter you can add your voice and spread the word. Thunderous supporters include the Guardian…