Just for the record

  And: Brighton Pavilion – Caroline Lucas wins with 52% of votes.  Very pleased. Bristol East – Kerry McCarthy wins with 61% of votes. Very pleased. Calder Valley – so close! Only c650 votes in it, but Josh Fenton-Glynn comes second to Craig Whittaker. Corby – Beth Miller ran Tom Pursglove close but my MP…

And the Blackbird still sings…

  Wow!  I wasn’t expecting that. Were you? I spent yesterday from 10:30am until 9pm, obviously with some breaks, phoning up potential Labour voters to get the vote out.  I  phoned hundreds of people, and spoke to scores of them.  I spoke to some confused people and I spoke to some very nice people. I…

Remarkable Birds

Remarkable Birds is widely regarded as a beautiful book – I’m very pleased with it. Here are just a few examples of the species covered in the book and some of the information it contains.   Lear’s Macaw is named after Edward Lear, artist and author of nonsense verse, who painted one in London Zoo…

House Martins

It seems that many of you are missing your House Martins this year too. The other evening there was just an occasional single bird flying above me as I sat in the garden in the evening – I’d expect them to be present almost all the time and in numbers of up to double figures….