BBS 2 second visit

My Breeding Bird Survey walk starts near the church in the distance. I carried out the second visit to my second BBS square yesterday – it was a bit windy in the more exposed places but there were still plenty of birds around. Do you remember that on the first visit I was saying that…

May is in the past and Corbyn is the future

It seems as though this general election was set up to be a personality contest between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn – that isn’t what it should be, but it might be an important part of people’s decision making. May has looked anything but strong and stable whereas Corbyn has grown in stature through the…

Brexit – so that’s all very clear then?

If the general election is about Brexit then we should by now have a clear idea of what will happen to environmental protection and agricultural policy after Brexit.  In particular, we should have a clear idea from the Conservative Party, although Labour (the only realistic alternative government (even though, in places other parties’ candidates may…

Seats I’ll be watching

I’m a Labour voter (and with more enthusiasm this election than in some) but I’ll be looking out for the result in particular constituencies as well as the overall result. Here are some of the constituencies that will make or break my day: Brighton Pavilion – a win for Caroline Lucas will please me Bristol…

The general election and driven grouse shooting

If the Conservatives win, and particularly if they win an increased majority I predict: weakening of site protection post-Brexit (see what Conservative manifesto says) – the fact that SPAs were partly notified because of their raptor populations will become irrelevant; the chance of stopping damaging activities (like building new roads and tracks across blanket bogs,…