Guest blog by Scotland: the Big Picture

The Red Squirrel: A Future in the Forest SCOTLAND: The Big Picture is a team of media professionals – photographers, filmmakers, writers and designers – fusing ecological science with visual storytelling to amplify the case for a wilder Scotland. Though undoubtedly spectacular, Scotland is an ecological shadow of its former self. Its turbulent past has…

Tilting at windmills

Two images of distant windfarms taken in Spain last week (both rather poor images I’m afraid – partly the heat haze but largely the photographer). These would keep Don Quixote busy for quite a while – both included more than a hundred individual turbines. Now I know nothing about the environmental impact assessments that may…


I’ll still be bobbing about in the Bay of Biscay when this post appears but before heading to bed last night I had seen some Common Dolphins and a few Pilot Whales. I’m not sure which is really more impressive – a few Pilot Whales or the ability to write a blog about them whilst…

The streets of Granada

  There is is a call made by House Sparrows that, in the books, would normally be rendered as ‘cheep!’. After the Semana Santa processions, the streets of Granada are spattered with candle wax. People skid over the cobbbled streets on the wax and their shoes make the same noise as a House Sparrow going…