Police and BASC get kids onto the North York Moors

BASC joins forces with police to get youngsters on the moors. Yet another example of close working between police and BASC. Planned activities are expected to include: identification of live birds – oh, another Red Grouse identification of dead birds – here’s a raptor! and here’s a Ring Ousel in a fenn trap arson –…

Last day to support this thunderclap

Birder, ringer, blogger and campaigner Findlay Wilde set up this thunderclap which will spread its message tomorrow. A thunderclap is a social media tool that spreads messages. If you are on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr and you sign up to Findlay’s thunderclap then at 11am on 21 March all your social media contacts will be…

A curious strategy indeed

In a week’s time there will be a Westminster Hall debate on badger culling – it’s not the first debate and it probably won’t be the last.  I would hope that MPs participating in the debate might read this essay by Anna Dale which I found very clear, very thorough and really quite shocking. It…

That’s what we need – NGOs with campaigning zeal!

‘The state-sanctioned snaring of Scotland’s mountain hares appears to be over after a wildlife quango suggested there will be a clampdown on permits to kill the iconic species.‘ says The Sunday Times today. The charity OneKind has been at the forefront of this campaign and they deserve a lot of credit for this decision being…

Sunday book review – Kingfishers by David Chandler

  This book, published on Thursday, is a celebration of one of our favourite birds; everyone loves a Kingfisher. If you are out with other birdwatchers and one of you spots a Kingfisher then there is always a note of excitement as the bird is mentioned –  ‘Kingfisher!!’. Nobody ever announces a Kingfisher with a…