Here are the most recent published annual incomes of most of the local, county, regional or national Wildlife Trusts. Avon Wildlife Trust £2.3m Beds, Cambs & Northants Wildlife Trust £4.5m Berks, Bucks and Oxon & Wildlife Trust £5.4m Birmingham & Black Country Wildlife Trust £0.8m Brecknock Wildlife Trust £0.2m Cheshire Wildlife Trust £1.8m Cumbria…
Year: 2017
This is who has what
This morning I set you a little teaser: put these organisations and their incomes together. Here’s the answer: RSPB £137m WWF-UK £71m WWT £24m GWCT £7.2m BTO £5.8m Butterfly Conservation £3.7m Marine Conservation Society £2.9m Plantlife £2.8m Buglife £1.1m What do you make of that?
Farming Today, today
I’m staying with friends wondering whether Peregrine Run is a good bet in the 2:50 at Cheltenham this afternoon, so when I woke at around the fairly usual 05:15 I didn’t wander down the landing to my computer and start some work. Instead I used my ‘phone as a computer and listened to Farming Today…
Who’s who?
Here is a list of environmental organisations, in alphabetical order: BTO, Buglife, Butterfly Conservation, GWCT, Marine Conservation Society, Plantlife, RSPB, WWF-UK, WWT And here is a list of their incomes, in numerical order; £1.1m, £2.8m, £2.9m, £3.7m, £5.8m, £7.2m, £24m, £71m, £137m Can you match the incomes to the organisations? Answers this evening,…
Black v Red
The moorland where we watched Black Grouse display yesterday morning – we saw about 40 birds altogether – also holds Red Grouse. The Black Grouse were displaying and singing but the Red Grouse were behaving like the silent majority in the early morning. Let’s say there are around 100 Black Grouse at this site (maybe…