Caring Tories

The Countryside Alliance seems to think that it owns the Conservative Party – I’ve sometimes wondered the same. The Conservative Animal Welfare Foundation has issued a manifesto for the future which calls for ‘an inquiry into commercial driven shoots’ and calls for ‘a review of the industry of shooting live birds for sport shooting’.  I…

Heroes and villains

The RSPB is celebrating the success of its long term Stone Curlew recovery project at the moment. And so it should, as the Stone Curlew was heading for extinction in the UK before the RSPB got involved. The recovery of this bird, which will always remain localised in its distribution because it is quite fussy…

John Muir

I was in Edinburgh over the weekend and took a trip out to Dunbar to see where John Muir grew up.  The house with a very good display about his life and achievements used to be the grain store next to the house where he lived (which is big, and for sale if you fancy…