Housing near to home

  The Planning White Paper came out last week. I understand that planning is very important, and even that it can be quite interesting, but I’ve managed to swerve knowing much about it for decades and that is still my aim. So, I’ll leave comments to others better informed. But I keep hearing that we…

Country Life – but not as we know it

  I am grateful to the Northants Library Service for such good service. The 18 January copy of Country Life arrived at Higham Ferrers on Saturday and I had a look at it on Sunday morning. Apparently Andrew Sells wrote to NE staff highlighting six priorities: more Hen Harriers in England – but I guess…

Bird flu update

Farming Today has carried out what they call an investigation into backyard flocks of poultry that have not been housed despite this being the law. Their investigation appeared to consist of taking a phone call from a listener and then going and talking to someone.  I can’t say I’ve carried out an investigation but I…

Guest blog – Peak District paths by Bob Berzins

Bob writes: I have a life long passion for the outdoors through rock climbing and fell running. A cancer scare in my thirties made me appreciate many things I simply hadn’t noticed before, from the smallest plants to the gap in the sky from a missing raptor. It’s all worth fighting for and that’s what…