Questions 1

Friday was quite a busy day, with news about crimes against birds of prey tumbling out early in the day. This was a bit inconvenient for me as I had other things planned. But it means that we’ve all had the weekend to mull over the news. What was the news?: The RSPB published a…

Oscar Dewhurst – Red Deer

Every autumn I try and spend a few early mornings in Richmond Park to photograph the deer rut. On this occasion the forecasted clear skies had not materialised, but were instead replaced with thick cloud. I still managed a couple of images, though, such as this stag roaring with grass in his antlers. Nikon D800,…

Catching up – bird flu and Pheasants

I’ve been catching up on Pheasant rearing techniques now that the Pheasant shooting season has ended. There are four Pheasant-rearing facilities which are under Defra special measures in Lancashire at the moment, at three of which H5N8 bird flu has been detected. Defra keep using this phrase ‘There are links between them that pose a…

Tim Melling – Wattled Jacana

I don’t know what it is about Capybaras but many species of bird and animal use them as a perch, and they don’t seem to mind.  In fact there is Tumblr page dedicated to animals sitting on Capybaras. This one is a Wattled Jacana, sometimes known as a Lilytrotter but maybe more appropriately Capybaratrotter.  There…


Congratulations to Simon King and the Wildlife Trusts! And well done to all who helped this e-petition get over the 100,000 signature line.