A tale of two tags

I’ve just given the GWCT some money as they have a crowdfunder running so that they can study  Woodcock, and I like Woodcock. Earlier this week, I gave some money to Birders Against Wildlife Crime so that they can study birds of prey: I like birds of prey too. The two appeals would make an…

Bird flu outbreak in Pheasant farm in Lancashire

Bird flu has been confirmed in a Pheasant ‘farm’ near Preston, Lancashire says Defra. The Pheasant is a non-native species which is reared in captivity in the UK and released in its tens of millions into the UK countryside each year.  Millions of Pheasant poults are imported into the UK and these represent a risk…

Winter Woodcock – watch (don’t shoot)

Did you see the Woodcock on Winterwatch last night? Didn’t you just want to shoot them? No? How strange. If you did shoot them then you wouldn’t have to tell anyone and we wouldn’t have any record of your behaviour.  We wouldn’t know if you shot more this year than last year, for example. Woodcock…

Moorland Management Plans in England

It’s a long time now since I worked in nature conservation and so increasingly I find that the jargon has moved on from that with which I used to be entirely comfortable. When Moorland Management Plans came up in a conversation with an old friend I had to admit to being  unaware of what they…

Are you a wildlife enthusiast?

Are you a wildlife enthusiast? I bet you are! If so, the Forestry Commission in England would like to hear your views – so you should take the opportunity to give them. Takes about 7 minutes, is not too taxing! Click here. Some of the questions are a bit odd but it’s nice to be…