Guest blogs 1

This post is primarily designed for people who want to write Guest Blogs about some aspect of the natural world for this site. The blog is called Standing up for Nature and that gives you a clue about its focus. I am very happy to consider Guest Blogs for this site from individuals or from…

A crisis for the NFU?

Brexit means Brexit, and we now can be sure that it means a pretty stiff Brexit if not a hard one.  This isn’t what most British farmers wanted but it’s what they are going to get. And it is going to be tough for them. I remember talking to a local sheep farmer about a…

You don’t have to be an expert.

I am firmly of the opinion (which doesn’t mean that it is correct of course) that vast numbers of British people are really quite knowledgeable about birds, and that even more of them are thrilled by them. In Remarkable Birds I suggest that ‘almost every human who has ever lived has probably seen or heard…

Curlew stories

One of the winners of the writing competition on this blog, Kerri Ni Dochartaigh, is collecting memories, stories and fragments from folk of all walks of life about ‘the majestic and hauntingly beautiful curlew’.  Please send anything you would like to share to Kerri at [email protected] .